a peep into a patchwork of paraphernalia, sharing my obsessions, fascinations and creations...

Monday, 28 February 2011

Wallpaper of le Week

This wallpaper is toooooooo amazing.
Not just aesthetically pleasing-but fully functional! 
Such a genius creation for those lacking space in the modern abode and missing the grandeur of a beloved Grandfather clock... problem solved!!
ps- batteries not included...
pps- available at Anthropologie

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Maquillage Magique!!

A snap of the intricate eye make-up I was sporting the other day-it went right the way up into my hair in a Black Swan meets The Green Lantern superhero esq manner!!
Looked totally amazing though, using a mixture of proper face paints, a multitude of powders, pencils and ripped tights... Mr Lewis Amarante- a true artist! LOVES him!
The man himself... 
I'm a touch blurry but maybe that's a good thing due to copyright! 

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Streets O' Spain

Took a grand total of 3 pictures while in Espana last week...! All street scenes, deserted street scenes I should say, with far away glimpses of palaces and mesmerising colours. 

A zoomed-in composition - 
loving this retro looking aerial and the assortment of wires slicing horizontal here. 
Such a pretty rainbow peek! 
... Just glows so beautifully.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Spanish Supplies

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Pretty new supplies gathered on Spanish soil in Madrid yesterday at the cutest lil bead shop UNICA loooooooooves it!!
Bronze... mmm mmm!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

World Wide Wall

I have a small obsession with maps, atlases, globes (especially of the ancient variety!) this fascination probably stemmed from childhood and being distinctly jealous of my brother's light-up globe lamp...ahhhh. And then perhaps subconsciously from playing the board game 'Europe' which I don't remember being as addictive as 'The Game Of Life' nor as exciting- being without its own ticking, spinny-wheel thing. But nonetheless-the map obsession was born and recently I saw the most amazing map of the world, unfortunately only in a picture, but still made me smile lots... think him below likes it n all! 

It's just lovely with the multitude of colours, and the pretty thorough legend-which is also happens to be very pretty with its lists of colour-coded countries. It can be found on the side of a school building in Sierra Leone-which I think should be compulsory for educational establishments throughout the world... and maybe one's abode too!

... courtesy of Mr F.
Sierra Leone. 

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Topshop Tweets

Found this pretty cluster o' birdies top/jacket/sashaying cardi-esq number in Topshop yesterday- mesmerised by the print... just as long as they aren't vultures...

Monday, 7 February 2011

"Harrow" Hair!

Sneak peek at a recent shoot... Happy Chinese New Year!! Haha!
Luckily it wasn't my actual hair being concertinaed in to such a statement!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Wallpaper of le Week

For when carrying all those books back to the abode just becomes too much!! S*d it-just pretend you have well stocked shelving! Ala Deborah Bowness!

Spotted this in Caravan in east London www.caravanstyle.com
-really quirky shop full of house stuffs and owned by the lady who wrote one of my fave interior books I've ever gawped at.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Pretty As A Picture...

Newly finished picture wall, a mix of vintage prints,
old black & white family pictures,
colourful illustrations,
flowery delights
thrifty frames.

A pilfered picture stumbled across in a japanese look book-
amazing illuminated carousel by the stormy sea
...no idea where in the world or who took the pic but I ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Flat Flora

Fleurs in my abode, adorable crinkly warming roses of golden yellows, to make you smile...even if you have a wonky post-dentist one!! 

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Feb Festivities!

Snapped earlier on from a casting waiting room-pretty lanterns filling soho for the Chinese new year shindigs about to begin.