I have a small obsession with maps, atlases, globes (especially of the ancient variety!) this fascination probably stemmed from childhood and being distinctly jealous of my brother's light-up globe lamp...ahhhh. And then perhaps subconsciously from playing the board game 'Europe' which I don't remember being as addictive as 'The Game Of Life' nor as exciting- being without its own ticking, spinny-wheel thing. But nonetheless-the map obsession was born and recently I saw the most amazing map of the world, unfortunately only in a picture, but still made me smile lots... think him below likes it n all!
It's just lovely with the multitude of colours, and the pretty thorough legend-which is also happens to be very pretty with its lists of colour-coded countries. It can be found on the side of a school building in Sierra Leone-which I think should be compulsory for educational establishments throughout the world... and maybe one's abode too!
... courtesy of Mr F.
Sierra Leone.